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About Us

We exist to empower and equip disadvantaged young people with an environment and the skills that will allow them to thrive and build a bright future for themselves. We believe that all children have the right to an education and basic needs, and strive to make this possible for the underprivileged by providing school fees, sponsorships, decent shelter and food.

At the Silver Foundation, we understand that the arts are not just recreation, but potential careers and aim to up skill and empower youths to go out and make their dreams a reality by giving them access to training, equipment and expertise to turn their hobbies into professions.


We also use arts as a means to heal from trauma caused by war and poverty.


To give underprivileged and often forgotten members of society the skills, support and resources to lift themselves out of poverty


To empower young people to turn their talents into professions in order to build a future for themselves while providing children with the necessities they need to grow and thrive

What We Do

We discover, develop and nurture talent and breed future stars in music, dance, acting and sports

Through vocational training and mentorship, we empower women to become the best version of themselves

We believe all children deserve an education. Join us as we continue putting more kids into school

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